15 minutes

Health & Fitness Benefits



A lot of Health and Fitness facilities talk a good talk about their equipment, staff and flooring but at Abstract, our mission is for YOU to Live Stronger, Longer! It's not about us-It's about you!! More Muscle- Stronger Bones- Less Time Exercising!

So lets talk a little about what Health and Fitness benefits a new client should expect:

1) Fat Loss... As you will see below, we are losing muscle every year of life after the age of 25. We are becoming fatter as people and a nation. According to the newest statistics over 81% of America is overweight(over fat). This is not a good thing.

At Abstract we help our clients lose as much as 22 lbs. of fat in only 8 weeks! This is a huge change when you understand that 10 lbs. of fat is the size of a basketball. Through proper exercise, diet, motivation and accountability our clients lose on average 2 1/2 pounds of fat per week with only two 15 minute workouts. This is a total training time of just four hours over two months. When looking for changes in the body remember, it's not about how much exercise, it's about good exercise!! (Please see our Abstract Challenge page for latest winner!)

2) New Lean Muscle... As we age we lose muscle,in fact, according to research, we lose it at a rate of 1/2 a pound a year. That is a loss of 5 lbs. of lean muscle per decade. This loss of muscle drops our metabolic rate by 7% every 10 years. Ever wonder why you seem to eat the same or less as you did when you were 25 but the fat still comes on? What is the answer to this old problem? Less calories burnt because we have less lean muscle. By the way, this is a factor of disuse not aging.

Our clients will see a change in their bodies very quickly. In fact, usually within 6-8 weeks(if the client comes in with the right attitude)most will see an increase of 3 lbs. of lean muscle. New muscle will make a very dramatic change in not only how they feel but also on their metabolism. This new muscle will equate to an increase of around 100-130 more calories burnt at rest and a reversal of years of loss! More muscle will allow our client to lose fat faster and keep it off.

3)Stronger Bones... People after the age of 25-30 begin to lose bone at a rate of 1% year. In just 10 years we will have lost 10% of our bone density. Most of us have heard about this condition, it has become almost epidemic, this is called Osteoporosis. Thats the bad news.

The good news is that through proper exercise(Abstract strength training progam) people like you can stop and reverse this bone loss! Not only will their muscles get stronger but their bones will also. Some of our clients have seen an increase in bone density by as much as 16% in less than a year! This new bone helps our clients to take control of a vital part of their aging process- helping them live Younger and Stronger.

4)More Time!... Time is of great importance to all of us. Life is going at an all time fast pace. When looking at an exercise program how many of us have 3-5 hours a week to devote to getting in better shape? If you are typical, your lucky to just stay ahead of what keeps being heaped upon you.

At Abstract Bodyworks we save you time. How would a weekly program of only 30 minutes fit into your busy life?  How will an exercise program designed for you to achieve "3 times the results in 1/10th the time" affect the health goals you have set for yourself? Understand that this program will build strength, new bones, fight Type II diabetes and allow you to save your important extra time for other parts of your life!! As a matter of fact, many of our  experienced clients train only 15 minutes a week. Now that is a great Return On Investment!

        Save Time- Live Stronger- Look Younger - No Contracts- Private Training.

             Call Us for a Free Week of One-on-One Training!


Abstract Precision Exercise & Body Works | 3411 Capitol Blvd. | Tumwater WA | 360-754-7544
Abstract Precision Exercise & Body Works | 4331 Lacey Blvd. | Lacey, WA | 360-455-5217
Opening Soon: Abstract Precision Exercise & Body Works | Magnolia Parke | 4936 NW 39TH Ave. | Gainesville, FL | 352-317-7211